SAP Document Submitted to City →
We made recommendations to Habitat about how they could more thoughtfully use their site on Langston, Katherwood, Evans, and Hood to provide more affordable housing, both in terms of quantity and diversity of units, while supporting commercial investment in Sylvan Hills. They are proceeding with a homogenous, low-density site plan that will require a significant amount of subsidy to deliver the levels of affordability they are seeking. While we were hoping for a more productive redevelopment of this site, it will bring much-needed park space to the neighborhood - a win! As Habitat continues to progress in their planning efforts, we have additional opportunities to provide feedback, including their Special Administrative Permit (SAP).
Attached is Habitat’s SAP, which is the City’s review process to ensure large projects match requirements from the Zoning Ordinance. They’re asking the City to waive several rules designed to protect good urbanism - it’s important that we let the City know that we want them to enforce the zoning code as written!
For more background, please see →
Rezoning Recommendations from SHNA
Too much parking - they incorrectly list the parking requirements, which are subject to maximums found in Code §16-28.014.7 (2 parking spots per unit maximum within 1/2 mi of MARTA). They need to comply with the correct parking requirements.
Reduced sidewalk size - they want sidewalks to be 5’. We want the standard, 6’.
**No front doors on Hood Drive** - they want to face the project inward towards the park, turning backs on neighbors on Hood. We want the development to welcome neighbors, not turn away from them.
**Curb cuts on Hood Drive** - they want to create lots of curb cuts and driveways on Hood Drive, which is bad urbanism and creates conflicts between pedestrians and parked cars. We want them to put parking on an alleyway that reduces conflicts.
**Tree removal** - it’s currently unclear how many mature trees will be removed, but we’ve reached out to the arborist for clarification.
Write comments about SAP-24-218 to Director Keyetta Holmes in the Office of Zoning and Development ([email protected])
Show up to the SAP hearing at City Hall on December 19th at noon to make comments directly to the planners.
❌ This project has too much parking, according to the Zoning Ordinance
Habitat incorrectly submitted information about the parking requirements found in the City Zoning Ordinance. Because this project is within 1/2 mi of MARTA, it can’t have more than 2 parking spaces per residential unit. It currently has 148 parking spaces for 54 units, exceeding the maximum allowed parking by 40 spaces.
❇️ Solution: Have no more than 108 parking spots for 54 units. SHNA and NPU-X repeatedly noted this to Habitat and the City during the rezoning process.